John J Murphy

In 1988 by John Murphy founded Venture Management Consultants, Inc., a network of world class consultants, educators, practitioners and mentors. We specialize in helping people and organizations worldwide achieve and sustain peak performance through effective deployment, development and implementation of best practice techniques. Our services include leadership education and mentoring, change design and management, team training and development, and inspirational presentations and workshops.
John Murphy has delivered services to dozens of leading organizations worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies and the United States government. Our highly flexible, client-focused business model is customized to the pull of our customers. We start by clarifying value in the eyes of the client. We then deliver what is needed in a highly specialized, cost effective way, using only the most qualified resources necessary to complete the assignment honestly, accurately and on time — no excess, no unnecessary waste — a level of quality and service that only the best have come to expect
All too often, organizations implementing operational excellence (OE) do so without addressing the human and cultural implications of such a change strategy. They conduct studies, move equipment, reduce work in process, collocate employees and change measurement systems, all focusing on minimizing waste and improving the flow of value through the value stream, but they overlook the human impact of these changes, the mindset and belief system that must accompany it. As a result, they find themselves “reworking” the initiative, an unfortunate and wasteful irony. Be it manufacturing, service, administration or product development, the result is the same. Without clear understanding, buy-in and commitment, the initiative does not lead to sustained culture change. It simply fades into history as another “flavor of the month.”
Recognized as an international expert on leading culture change, John Murphy helps organizations address this issue head on. The author of 18 books on related topics, and a guest on over 500 radio and television stations, Murphy teaches leaders worldwide how to integrate the culture piece (of OE) with the systems, structural, and “tools” components. Approaching the change process with an integrated strategy leads to powerful, measurable, sustainable results.
Author of 18 Books on Related Topics, and A Guest on Over 500 Radio and Television Stations, Murphy Teaches Leaders Worldwide How to Integrate The Culture Piece (of OE) With The Systems, Structural, and “Tools” Components.
Approaching The Change Process With An Integrated Strategy Leads To Powerful, Measurable, Sustainable Results.


Beyond Doubt

Sage Leadership

Leading with Passion

The How Of WOW !

Half Full

Habits Die Hard

The i In Team
Join John Murphy Here for the Free Exchange of Ideas on How to Live With More,
“Purpose, Passion, Prosperity & Inner Peace. “
Break Your Habits with This – Be the Change!
Habitual thinking, consciously and subconsciously, translates into how you feel, what you believe and how you experience life. Therefore, a shift in thinking leads to a shift in life experience. Change your thoughts and you change your outcomes. In this short clip, John shares insights from one of his books, Habits Die Hard. Use these insights to improve your life experience.
The Tendency to Complain
Complaining and filing grievances against life is a sure way to break yourself down and accelerate aging, pain and suffering. Why complain when there is another way of looking at things? In fact, when we learn to appreciate the power in the Law of Attraction we know better than to ever complain again. We reap what we sow. Sowing complaints only brings us more to complain about.
What Do My Clients and Readers Have To Say About Their Experiences…
The simple four-step ring of peace introduced by Mr. Murphy in Beyond Doubt is amazing. This book is so much more than the traditional self-help book. It is an eye-opening wake up call for everyone. Beyond Doubt guides us to letting go of the negative, embracing the positive and finding an unbelievable calm. Since reading this book, the self-imposed stress brought on by events beyond my control are a thing of the past. Thank you, John, for writing a book that makes sense and is easy to incorporate into anyone’s life.
— Linda Thompson, host of
“John Murphy’s book Beyond Doubt, is at once reassuring and provocative. The reassurance John offers is a simple method for claiming a sense of calm and inner peace during the most challenging situations. What’s so provocative is the message of ease and discipline in which we can obtain our most natural, resourceful state. This book has everything to do with personal development and professional growth whether you work alone, in teams, or in large organizational settings.”
—Joan Resnick