Introducing John J Murphy – Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker & Mentor

Author of 20 Books on Related Topics, and A Guest on Over 500 Radio and Television Stations, Murphy Teaches Leaders Worldwide How to Integrate The Culture Piece With The Systems, Structural, and “Tools” Components.
Approaching The Change Process With An Integrated Strategy Leads To Powerful, Measurable, Sustainable Results.
Reinvent Yourself: A Lesson in Personal Leadership
John J. Murphy
Miracle Minded Manager
Format: Book
Jack MacDonald, president of TYPCO, is trying to transform his company. He’s hit a roadblock with defensive direct reports and antiquated systems that no longer serve the organization. Unsure of how to continue, he turns to business consultant and mentor Jordan Mckay, who has helped Jack with other management challenges in the past.
Jack is surprised that instead of suggesting practical business tactics, Jordan encourages him to try A Course in Miracles to open his mind and let go of ego. Though at first he’s reluctant, Jack and his wife, Judy, begin to follow the course. The personal and professional results are life-changing.
Applying the course helps Jack resolve problems at TYPCO, but he soon experiences transformations in all areas of his life: from family relationships to his daily stress levels. It also serves him well during one of the most personal trials of his life.
Readers will learn along with Jack that miracles spread across all areas of life, if only we open ourselves up to faith.
Pub Date: October 22, 2019
ISBN: 978-1-58270-717-4
Trim Size: 5 ½ x 8 3/8
Page Count: 272
Miracle-Minded Manageris far more than a book on management. It is a book on life. We strive so hard to achieve ego-based results in both our professional and personal capacities. In the process, we create a stress-filled life for ourselves. Through his gifted storytelling, John Murphy describes how to achieve peace and happiness outside the office, and at the same time, he artfully explains how to take those concepts into the work-place to build a stronger, more collaborative culture and team that achieves great results with reduced stress. It sounds too good to be true, and perhaps even miraculous. But the teachings in this wonderful book make perfect sense. I know from personal experience, a leader who is at peace and empowers his team as Miracle-Minded Manager teaches, also empowers his team to achieve great things. I have urged my family to read it. I cannot give it a higher endorsement.
—Gary Garfield, Keynote Speaker and retired Chairman, President and CEO of Bridgestone Americas, Inc.
“Society has reached a tipping point where we can no longer pretend that happiness will be achieved solely by attaining outer success. If the business world does not incorporate spirituality, then stress-related illness, depression, and even hopelessness will overtake our lives. As author John Murphy states so aptly in this monumental book, “It often takes a certain amount of suffering before people are ready to challenge the ego and open up to the Truth.” Before your personal suffering becomes too great, I urge you to join Jack, the Miracle-Minded Manager, “with humility and an open mind,” on his miraculous journey to discovering how anyone can live true success, happiness, and most of all, peace of mind and how you can share what you’ve discovered with those you love so that their lives can also be miraculous.
—Debra Poneman, bestselling author and founder of Yes to Success Seminars, Inc.
“John J Murphy is one of those rare consultants you sense immediately upon watching him work, is going to be dynamite. John’s relaxed yet energetic demeanor combined with his deep expertise quickly turns skeptics into interested students and then excited practitioners. In this case, we used John for Lean training. I’d hire John again in a heartbeat and this time I’d make additional use of his organizational coaching.”
—Mary Hayes, GM,
Thilmany Papers
Join John Murphy Here for the Free Exchange of Ideas on How to Live With More,
“Purpose, Passion, Prosperity & Inner Peace. “
Is Your Life Half Empty or Half Full
Be sure to catch John’s commentary at the end of this powerful clip on Perception and the impact it has in your life. John shares intriguing insights on how our perceptions become our realities – even when they are far from the Truth. A shift in perception can change everything. It is these “aha” moments that wake us up and lead to enlightenment. We see it when we believe it.
Transcending Fear – From Beyond Doubt
The “ego” thought-system would have us think we are inferior, weak, sinful and afraid. Because of its dualistic, fear-based nature, it commands us to compare ourselves with one another, think in terms of separation and scarcity, and compete with a win-lose mindset. Thus, when we attach to this “way” of thinking, we are never happy. We are never satisfied. We never feel totally secure. Here is another way to think – a sacred, divine way. The choice is up to us.